We began our day by heading to the Scout Den to participate in the Cubs' Working Bee for the year. It was pouring rain, so our plans to tidy up and weed the gardens had to be cancelled. Instead we swept the den, cleaned out the kitchen cupboards, reorganised the Cubs' cupboards and then mopped everything. Overall the den was left much tidier, but the kids struggled with the boredom of waiting for adults to finish jobs.
When we came home we collected Milky and Choc Choc and put them back in the coop. They slept in the tree last night and were wandering the yard this morning, looking like they would prefer to be in the coop! Crazy girls, they could have just hopped straight in!
We came inside for a while and Vince did some work on recording with Fraps, which we bought the full version for today. Anni chilled out with her favourite music and YouTube video series.
In the late afternoon we set about putting the guinea pig hutch together which was quite a bit of work. The kids had the chance to work with the drill and both got into reading the plans, experimenting with configurations and then screwing everything together. It came to a rather frustrating end when we discovered that the slide out tray wouldn't fit. So the girls are still in their old cage while I figure out if we can sand the tray to fit or need to contact the vendor.
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